Priorities-lights and sparkles

Well, I’ve been away awhile and realize that I’ve fallen off the path of my goal… What was that again? Happiness?

Oh yeah! Happiness!

Today, I just picked up a magazine that said, Stress less…Smile more, is that the answer? Actually, page 66 said the answer was Yoga, mindfulness and meditation! Making that a priority in your life again.

Monday, I was told that my priority of having lunch with my children and setting up a Christmas tree, was wrong! who helped me move a tree from the store to my home and set it up, decorate and clean up, as a surprise for my family and to save from using our weekend morning to do this, AND save my working spouse the physical and time trouble, was to some a messed up priority and time I should’ve spent on organizing something, or working in the home, as I was on the clock at my job as a stay at home mom.
Did I mention that I nursed my baby boy while I ate my late breakfast with one hand in between feeding my toddler daughter with the other hand?

Ahhh, the gorgeous, beautiful tree is mesmerizing to my children and has brought Christmas to our home! The bin of hand me downs in the garage can wait!

Lights and sparkles and and a Christmas star brighten our home and make us smile.

Well, most of us….

Priorities are determined and ordered by many in many ways, but given precedence and carried out only by ourselves.

Chosen wisely, even small actions prioritized highly, can make big memories!!

And maybe I’ll get to that yoga tomorrow! Or maybe I’ll meditate staring at some red glittery bulbs and SMILE!
